
Unattended Red Envelopes

Do not pick up an unattended red envelope that has been left on the street. Usually, there will be money inside these unattended red envelopes and they have been left on the street intentionally. These envelopes are placed on the streets intentionally by the parents of an adult woman who has passed away. The intention behind this action is to have a man pick it up, which would require him to marry the spirit of the deceased woman. If the man refuses to wed her, it is believed that he will be haunted by the woman’s crying spirit until he agrees to marry her.

Knocking at Lodges

Before entering paid lodging be sure to knock and say, “Sorry for the intrusion, but please let me stay for a few days.” Then, politely step to the side so that potential occupants living in that room will have a chance to exit. It is believed that if people do not announce their intended visit, the potential spirits living in that room would feel like their space has been invaded and thus might bring bad luck to the people living in that room.

Kuai Kuai Snacks

Within science and technology-related industries in Taiwan, it is believed that placing coconut butter-flavored Kuai Kuai branded snacks in contact with machines will help them run without errors, as the Chinese character 乖; guāi, means obedient. The coconut butter flavored snacks are packaged in green bags, the color of which additionally signify that everything is in working order. In other contexts, Kuai Kuai packaged in yellow and red bags signify wealth and love, respectively, but are avoided in technological circles.